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Focus stacking alignment

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It looks like there are no controls available for alignment of focus bracketed images.  Is that right?

I'm experimenting, and get a strange result.  I know the reason is that there is a large gap between the in-focus front and back parts of the scene.  Sometimes it works perfectly, other times I get the strange result.  The obvious solution is to select only the front and back images that are mostly focused for stacking, but I'm curious to hear whether there is a different solution.

The GREAT news is that Affinity alignment -- with the right scene -- does an amazing job even with hand-held shots!


Screenshot 2022-12-10 100955.jpg


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You guys must be busy, but I appreciate that you got to this one!

I experimented again with the same setup, and with several tries couldn't reproduce this behavior.  Whether just a glitch or a software change since December, I now like the result.  I enjoy focus stacking for cases like sharp flowers in the foreground of a subject quite a distance away.

Still loving Affinity Photo, especially for the price!

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