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Opening 16 bit Greyscale in Photo V2

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Hi all,


I've been trying to open 16 bit greyscale tiffs in Photo V2.

After opening one image, Photo recognises greyscale, and applies Greyscale D50 to it. The image itself remains grey. Applying "Auto Levels" brings back some details (albeit inverted) but I can't get it to properly show the whole image.

I tried to change the exif data using exiftools as discussed in this forum post, but that still gives me the grey image.


Is it possible to import these greyscale tiffs directly, or do they always have to be converted to rgb?


Attached are the original image (16bitgreyscale.tif), the way it looks in Photo V2 after applying "Auto Levels" and then exporting as png (16bitgreyscale-V2_exported.png) and the rgb version of the original image (rgbversion.tif).


rgbversion.tif 16bitgreyscale.tif

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  • 2 months later...
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Hey @chris_tiaan welcome to the forums,

Apologies on the late reply,

Instead of relying on the Auto levels which evidently isn't doing a great job with this image, have you tried manually adjusting the black/white points in your Greyscale tiff? This then gives a significantly better results, and with some fine tuning of the black/white point sliders better resembles your RGB example.


Manual Levels.afphoto

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