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Is there a way to "link" or anchor a node of one curve to another curve?

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Hello, I hope I can make clear what I mean: is there a way to kind of link two objects in Affinity together so that if you move one object, a node (just a single node, not the whole curve!) from the other one will move along? Say I have a rectangle and a straight line... is there a way to make one end of the line (it's node) move along if I decide to move my rectangle? This node's position in relation to the rectangle will stay the same and that will of course result in this line changing its lenth/orientation etc. because the other end will stay where it was originally. Thanks in advance!

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Thanks for your replies. @N.P.M., that's a good idea but it's a lot of work because you have to select all nodes manually. I was hoping that you could just move a certain shape by using the move tool and the node from the other curve that you "linked" will move as well (then you only have to select your shape and you're done).

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5 minutes ago, N.P.M. said:

Perhaps an example that is more real as selecting 5 nodes from an rectangle and a straight line isn't a difficult task.

That's right, but not if you have to move a lot or rectangles that are all interconnected by lines in order to rearrage them because extra rectangles are possibly being added to the existing ones and you have to make place for them.

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