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Transparency, flow and hardness for knobs

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I use Affinity Photo in Windows 11 with Wacom Intuos PTK-840 and Elgato Stream Deck +.
Both USB devices have knobs (potentiometers) or a ring that you can define yourself. It's nice to be able to define brush thickness with knobs, but I would really like it if you could also control transparency, flow and hardness with them.
The implementation would be very simple, for the size of the brushes there are the keyboard shortcuts [ and ]. You only have to be able to define shortcuts in steps of 1 for the other three sliders. Unfortunately, the numeric keypad does not help with its shortcuts, as each key stands for a value.

Further suggestions for improvement would be to be able to scroll through the brushes with rotary controls, to control the transparency of layers in steps of 1, to select layers with rotary controls (to move up and down in the layer window), ...
And if you can define everything with keyboard shortcuts (stabiliser, symmetry, mirror, protect, blend modes, wet edges, ...)
But also the alignments (horizontal, vertical, left, right, ...)
And above all the sliders in the RAW developer.

Since there are more and more additional auxiliary devices with rotary controls, a far-reaching personalisation of short commands would be a great advantage over competing products.

I am looking forward to V2!

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Welcome to the club of users asking for this.

First request I found is from 2015 (asking to implement shotcuts at all and it mentions opacity etc.).

Since then shortcuts have been implemented in general  (thanks Serif 👍) but opacity etc. are still pending 7 years later.


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