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Publisher V1/V2: Textspalten füllen sich nicht korrekt

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Ich habe ein Layout mit 6 Textrahmen nebeneinander. Wenn ich Texte hineinlaufen lasse, dann wird unerklärlich der Text an irgendeiner Stelle umgebrochen in den nächsten Rahmen. Ich  muss dann immer "basteln", um das Layout zu richten. Kann mir jemand sagen, woran das liegt?

Ich lege ein Dokument bei: (Auf der 2. Seite) seht könnt ihr unten meine jeweils notwendige Bastelei sehen.

Wo ist mein Fehler? (oder der Fehler im Programm)


2022-11-29 Weihnachtsbrief-MB-2022-02.afpub

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1. Select Text > Show Text Flow (Ansicht > Textfluss anzeigen). This feature will show how text is flowed from text frame to text frame.


2. Your document looks like it was created by opening a PDF. While this is a great feature, you need to clean up the page layout. On page 2, most of the columns have two frames. As you can see in this screenshot, the left column has a tall text frame with a tiny one at the bottom. The second column has two overlapping text frames. You should delete the extra text frames and make the remaining ones the correct size.


Good luck!

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Sorry, I didn't understand your question then. I didn't realize that you created the frames on purpose this way.

The problem is due to the Paragraph > Flow Options.

The paragraph starting with "Wie ein roter" has these settings and the Keep with next 2 lines should be set to 0.


Because the following paragraph has these settings and it's a short paragraph so the entire paragraph is trying to stick together. Sorry, I have to go for a call so I can't explain more right now.


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More information - the problem was caused by the interplay of the settings you've chosen for the two settings. This isn't an advisable way to format your document - you should select the same settings for all body text paragraphs and format them uniformly, changing the settings for an individual paragraph only in rare occasions.

Here's an updated version of your document that doesn't have the issue.

2022-11-29 Weihnachtsbrief-MB-2022-02.afpub

Good luck

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