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AP v2 on MacOS Ventura: 4 crashes since install 24 hours ago, strange brush behavior

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1) Just reporting 4 crashes in the 24 hours I have been running v2 which I bought hoping it would crash less often than v1. The crash reports say they are going to Apple and I hope Apple sends them to Serif. On three of the four, I was moving a mask layer by selecting, clicking and holding, then moving in the layer panel.

2) I have a strange brush behavior, or I don't know how they are supposed to work. This is present in v1 as well, and another reason I went to v2 was hoping it would go away. This happens intermittently (or I don't recognize the conditions) with any brush tool - paint brush, inpainting brush, clone brush, erase brush, blur brush. When I first select the tool, it shows as expected as a circle but when I change the size using the bracket keys, the cursor goes back to a pointer until I actually use the tool. However this makes aiming the tool difficult without seeing the circle show the size of the brush. I have to go to the context brush size slider to get the circle back. This happens with the trackpad as well as with my Wacom Intuos Pro S tablet.

I can't justify PS cost for my minimal revenue work, so Serif, please help!


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