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placed pdf version (pdf-1.5) is not compatible - AfPub2 Windows 10

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Starting a new document, I'm unaware that any PDF export version has been determined, nor does this Preflight message offer any clues as to how the user is supposed to know/ find out how to alter the the PDF export version beyond the 'Fix' which at first glance might sound simple, but which actually obfuscates understanding anything on exactly what's going on here.



So turning next to the PDF authoring application, which in this case is Global Mapper v24.0, we look at the options afforded the user at the time of export when using a script. The script in this case uses the following lines:



If the alternative is used to manually export a PDF through the UI, the export dialog looks like this:



While the method to export a PDF from Global Mapper using the scripting approach affords the greatest control, neither method appears to address Affinity Publisher's chief complaint concerning PDF-1.5



I will run this past the developers at Blue Marble Geographic and see if maybe there's something else here that I'm missing.

Thank you very much for any help in fixing this chronic issue of the placed pdf version (pdf-1.5) is not compatible in Affinity Publisher v2.0.0



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Hi Kelly, are you still experiencing this problem? If so, could you provide a sample PDF file from Global Mapper for testing?

In Preflight, there are a couple of PDF options you can configure. Check out the PDF Passthrough option which lets you choose the level of PDF compatibility. You may wish to choose PDF 1.5 (Acrobat 6) from the Compatibility popup instead of the default PDF/X-1a:2003. This is likely the source of your Preflight warning.



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2 hours ago, Kelly Bellis said:

Hi Mike,

RE: AfPub v2.0.3.


Still persists irrespective passthrough compatibility. My ho-hum solution has been to ignore at the time of export.

As for the requested file, see attachments in this thread:

The missing font is a different Preflight warning. The issue you were having with the PDF compatibility is resolved. Since you're already discussing the font issue with Lee in the other thread let's leave that discussion there and end this discussion thread.


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