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Today I was doing a composition and had made a selection and clicked "Command > J" to duplicate and Photo 2 froze with the spinning beach ball and after about 30 seconds it stopped and made the duplicate and with any other move it would do the same thing until I saved, closed and restarted Photo 2 and it must hold memory because it still did it. Yesterday it did the same thing with a different composition but it did it when I used the rectangle tool and I had to "Force Close" Photo 2. I am using a 2020 MacBook Pro M1 and it's up to date and I have Automatic Brightness disable per James Ritson video. Please help its very annoying.

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Hi Decster1,
Welcome to the forums,

I'm sorry to hear you are experiencing crashing when using the duplicate shortcut. When I try this here it seems to work fine, if you have metal compute acceleration enabled in the apps performance preferences please could you try disabling it to see if this issue persists?


Please tag me using @ in your reply so I can be sure to respond ASAP.

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