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Apple Pencil v2 Crashes Publisher


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Using publisher 2.02 on 5th gen iPad Air running 16.1 On fresh start I can select text in a frame (using the v2 Pencil) but any subsequent action immediately crashes the application. This appears to happen too when I go back to re-link images post crash; select and pop up menu -> next click crashes. Finger and trackpad do not appear to have this problem. 

Spectacular piece of software otherwise, even if the pencil never worked with Publisher I couldn’t be happier.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi @P G,

Thanks for your report and our sincerest apologies for the delayed response here. We are exceptionally busy following the release of V2 and we thank you for your continued patience and understanding here.

I've tried to replicate this here and I'm unfortunately unable to currently - as even with multiple linked text frames filled with text, I have not been able to trigger an app crash with the Pencil.

Can you please open Publisher, navigate to Settings and then enable 'Show Touches' - once done, please take a short screen recording showing the steps you're taking to cause the crash and upload this recording to your reply here for me?

If you're unsure how to take a screen recording, please check out our FAQ linked below - 

Many thanks in advance!

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