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Publisher 2: jumps 2mm instead of 1

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i'm on affinity publisher 2, yay. most of the things are working great. something thats been bothering me: when i use the arrow in my document the field moves 2mm instead of the 1mm i had in publisher 1. in the preferences "decimal places" in "mm" is set to 1. The weird thing: sometimes it's just 1mm it jumps but mostly two. E.g how it mostly is (distance to another object): 60mm --› 59mm --› 57mm --› 55mm --› 53mm etc. 

Anybody has a clue? 

Thanks for the help! Appreciated.

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My first guess is that the values shown are not the actual values.

In other words, the values may have a fractional part which you can’t see and that could be causing the problem, or be a symptom of the problem.

Try going into Preferences / User Interface and changing all of the Decimal Places settings to three or more decimal places and see what happens in the Transform Panel.

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Thanks for you answer. Did as suggested. Now the numbers get even more random. E.g. when i start at 201mm sharp next number ist something with three decimals places. Isn't there a way to define how much an arrow press should make things move? In my case ex. 0.1mm? 

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