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Fujifilm Film Simulations as Camera Profiles

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Hey there Developers!


I really love Affinity Photo! But i have one more wish:


Fujifilm Film Simulations as Camera Profiles for Raw Development!


Fujifilm uses some very good Profiles to emulate in-camera Films like Provia, Velvia, Astia, Classic Chrome, Pro Neg Hi, Pro Neg Std.


I would love to see this profiles exactly as they are in-camera applied to Affinity Photo. 


We all know that Lightroom an Adobe in general sucks with Fujifilm X-Tras .raf rendering. The Images are very blurry and have a watercolor effect.


But they do these Film Simuliations - very good! The colors are exactly like in-camera. 


Any chance to see this in an upcoming update?


Do you need any support for this? 

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Camera Profiles will be available in a future update but they are currently disabled as the developers are still working on this part of the app. When we know more about this feature and which profiles are supported, we'll let everyone know :)

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