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Expected behaviour:

  • You apply your changes to the image and if you are satisfied, press "Develop" and you get exactly this result you saw before.

Actual behaviour:

  • The result after developing may vary, most prominently when using rotated crops.

How to reproduce:

  1. Open a raw file with lens correction applied. (In this case it is a wide angle view.)
  2. I carefully cropped an image to a rotated crop section, avoiding any white corners (which is hard enough in AP having to take care of this manually).
  3. After developing, the top left and bottom right corner were white, so image data was missing in the corners.
  4. Switched back to develop persona - no white corners (as previously). (Note that I use the "linked file" option of AP 2.0)
  5. Developed again - white corners were there.

My guess what happens is: The camera and its raw files use a heavy (automated) lens correction. I could go easily to 95% scale and still not see everything the sensor captured. So when rotating the image, there's quite a bit of head room to use without extending beyond the actual sensor data. See the third screenshot showing this . It seems as if the actual development process later only works on the data after the lens correction, so it works on already cropped sensor data, thus the white areas after the additional application of the rotation by the crop tool.

(Note that the image used below is just for demonstration, I originally encountered this effect on a different RAW file of the same camera.)

AP 2.0.0 on Windows

AP200 - Before RAW development.JPG

AP200 - After RAW development.JPG

AP200 - Crop tool before RAW development.JPG

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I have a very similar problem:
- I apply photo straightening through the crop function;
- I scale the image through the lens correction
- I apply any other color correction, etc.

When I do the "development" of the photo it has transparent corners.
I use Affinity Photo 2.0.4 in MAC environment, I have attached screenshots with the various steps performed renamed with increasing progressive.
How can I solve this problem?






  • 7 months later...

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