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Auto Save Live Docs upon creation in case of App Closure/Crash

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 It would be nice if when you initially Created a new file it would Auto Save as a Live Doc.

Why? What happened?

Created a Doc in Publisher > Set up Picture Frames, Text Frames, Page #’s, Pages/Masters etc.

Basically, a lot of initial setup but accidentally Closed the App while attempting a Drag and Drop.

This of course erased/deleted the entirety of it all.

I know that it is a simple ‘personal blunder’ type of instance or accident, but crashes could also occur and would lose all Prep or Setup.

‘Since it is a Live Doc in a sense after Creating, is it not possible to have a safeguard like this in place?

Checked on V1 apps (of Photo/Des) and the V2, and none do an Auto Save for Live Docs.

Even if in a Preferences Setting could be a nice add for this type of blunder.

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