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Publisher 2 issues exporting, stuck Generating Preview. Font manager unable to locate?

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I've had issues exporting previous iterations of this project on MacOS v1, and on v2. 
I recently cleaned up the document and packaged it to eliminate as much bloat as I could find, and it's still getting stuck. I'm guessing its something to do with the project—is it simply too big, or something else? If the former, what are some best practices for managing export times on large projects?

I also wasn't able to get Publisher 2 to locate instances of fonts on iPad, the locate function on macOS v2 worked fine, as did locating images on iPad. Is this feature not implemented on iPad, or could something have been causing the locate function to fail?


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Ok, so I was able to get to export using the settings below.
However, I’m not sure if that is sufficient for print, and the print or press presets for example, still hang on generating a preview.

there’s also a few artifacts I noticed in the export.
p31: The translucent green overlay layer  won’t stay bounded to its mask.
p32-33, 47, 66: on photos with white backgrounds I have added adjustment layers to to blow out the white, but on export, they appear less clean than in the live document.
p24-25: something odd is happening with the bird layers that I used the “delete white paper” filter on. I’m guessing it’s to do with the nature of how the filter works, but when I place a white rectangle behind them (even though the default document background is also white) they appear darker, and on export, they appear lighter than expected. Is there a better way to get the desired effect to export?

Export settings.jpeg

Export test 3.2.zip

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