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Included simplified layer from multilayer file. The selection (made with pen tool) crosses two colours on different layers. Cant erase from target layer with selection, but can erase with its inverse.

Prolly some remnant file corruption, cant recreate in new file. In fact a new selection made with pen tool or other selection tools works properly on this file.


cant erase4.afphoto

  • Staff

Hi @Affinity Rat,
Zoom enough in the ants and you will see the selection is actually an outline (not the "filled" enclosed shape you think it is) as if you have selected a shape with stroke and no fill. It is indeed deleting the selection (the area between the outer and inner selection lines) in the target layer but it's so thin it's seems like it's doing nothing/not deleting anything.

  • Staff

Hi Affinity Rat,
That selection was created with the Outline Selection Tool (Selections Persona). That's the penultimate icon/tool on the left. Draw a regular selection, select the Outline Selection Tool then increase the radius in the context toolbar on the bottom. You will see it increasing the "thickness" of the selection as if it was a stroke.


Yes MEB you are correct, initially created with pen tool and couldnt seem so erase foreground, posted here about selection problem and someone pointed me to the help topic on selection tools. Seeing the outline tool I thot maybe this will create outline selection, it did but not what I wanted. I didnt notice the double selections, prolly didnt read description closely enough, only turned to this tool after typical select from layer erasure wasn’t  working.

So it remains a puzzlement, but you are correct regarding file uploaded here!




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