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APub Page thumbnail sizes confusing


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Is there a systematic in the size of page thumbnails? Sometimes "medium" is larger than "large", sometimes "large" for 1 identical document can switch too a smaller displayed size, still set to "large". – I notice that page dimension influences thumbnail size and also that thumbnails don't necessarily reflect the differences of pages with different dimensions. So, there seems to be kind of a grid with cells available for each thumbnial. But how is the displayed thumbnail size indeed decided / how can I ensure to get such virtual "cell" fully used?

In the samples below all pages in portrait format are all same size = DIN A4.
Sometimes "medium" is similar to "large"…:

1934949730_pagethumbnailsA4medium.jpg.27030367561bfd7446638e88fefd8fe0.jpg .


… sometimes "large" is a lot smaller than "medium" …:


… even if there is horizontal space left in the panel:


And is it indeed coded on purpose that "small" does not enable me to get the best overview but creates a list view only?


macOS 10.14.6 | MacBookPro Retina 15" | Eizo 27" | Affinity V1

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Hi @thomaso,

I've compared this with the Windows version and Windows does appear to handle this better, when using mixed spread sizes.  I think the Mac version Pages panel just isn't scaling correctly once the different sized spread is added.  I'll get this logged with the Dev team, as like i said, Windows does handle it better.

As for the Small view always showing in a list view, it has come up before on this thread and has been logged with the Dev team :) 

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