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Export in PDF 1.7 and X4 - different Color?

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I did some projects with a printing company who asked to export my work as PDF X4 (CMYK of course).

But I recognised, that if I export the same work in any other format, for example jpeg or other versions of PDF (1.7) I get quite different colors... can anyone explaint to me why? And should this be? Because any other format results in the correct color?

Thanks for help!


Anzeige Salzachbrücke 1-8 - Merzinger - 08-22 - Mark 1 - x4.pdf Anzeige Salzachbrücke 1-8 - Merzinger - 08-22 - Mark 1.pdf

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Hi AndreassaerdnA,

As far as I can tell both of these PDFs look the same colour wise. Please could you provide an example of the problem?


Please tag me using @ in your reply so I can be sure to respond ASAP.

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In the browser window + in Acrobat they both look identically but opened in Apple's Preview app they differ, which imho seems to be normal since Preview handles profiles differently and gets forced to display with the wanted ISO coated v2 300% only by X4 and its output intent.

(mehr Kopfzerbrechen macht mir eher das Vegetarische, was sich unter's Angebot einer Metzgerei gemischt wird ;·)

macOS 10.14.6 | MacBookPro Retina 15" | Eizo 27" | Affinity V1

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If you have a choice, then prefer PDF/X, simply because of its output intent, which helps to avoid using a different profile to open/view/print the PDF.

In addition, you can modify the Affinity preset by ticking checkbox to convert image resources to the output intent profile to avoid possible profiles of images being converted by the printer profile in an unexpected way. Yes, this way a second conversion can be triggered if the printer's output profile is not identical to the PDF output profile - so it is always useful to know the printer's print profile.


macOS 10.14.6 | MacBookPro Retina 15" | Eizo 27" | Affinity V1

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