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Is it possible to make the Colour Picker Tool [I] interact with other features of Affinity Photo?
Here are some examples.

Sample colors with the Alt key

When sampling with the Alt key, we sample globally. Meanwhile, if this feature took the Colour Picker Tool settings into account, it would be possible to sample based on the current layer.

Sometimes, when retouching, I temporarily add a B&W adjustment to enhance the skin blemishes. But if Im only allowed to sample globally, I can only sample shades of gray.

Info Pannel

The info panel is extremly important in any photo editor. Unfortunately I cant set the sample size.
Again, the info panel could take into account the sample size (Radius) of the Colour Picker Tool.

Adjustment Layers

Some Adj. Layers let you pick colors ("Picker" option). White Balance and Curves are some examples.
But just like the info panel, I cant set the sample size. I could be sampling noise.
I often generate a 5x5 custom blur just to have a more reliable sample.
It would be nice if the "Picker" took into account the Radius of the Colour Picker Tool.

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