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Just purchased this app and have been exploring the tools for a couple of days now.  I've been working on editing a photo for practice and have made many alterations. For some reason none of the healing tools will work on this particular photo.  I can choose the tool and take the steps all the way to where it should make the edit and nothing happens.  Things I have tried to fix it:

Restarting with "Control" key and choosing clear

Choosing other photos (this works)


This a bit discouraging as this is the one photo I was looking forward to editing when I purchased the app.  It is most likely operator error but can you guide me on what I am doing wrong please?


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Hi Craig,

Welcome to Affinity Forums :)

Make sure the layer type you are working with is a Pixel layer. You can identify the type of layer looking at the label between parenthesis after layer's name in the Layers panel. If it's an (Image) layer, right-click on it and select Rasterise.... You should now be able to edit it with the healing tools.

An Image layer is an object layer type - you can transform it "globally" (scale, rotate, skew etc) but you can't edit it at a pixel level. A Pixel layer is a "container" for performing pixel based operations.

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