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I recently discovered that if you accidentally (or intentionally) press delete at the start of a line that has left indent paragraph spacing applied, it will alter/remove the indent spacing. In the video example below the indent is set to 8mm. Pressing delete changes it to 1.7mm, and pressing tab(?!) will place it back at 8mm.

I would expect that pressing delete would do nothing (not change the indent setting, nor move the text further to the left) in this case as the paragraph indents should define where the left edge of the text is set. In this case it almost feels as though the indents are pseudo-tabs, which is really confusing, and makes editing text within Publisher a somewhat nerve-racking experience.

I've include the example file below.


Delete key changes indent.zip


Thanks @LeeThorpe. That did indeed give me the expected behaviour, but I never would have guess that preference setting would have that effect. Given that most applications don't allow you to alter a paragraph level using tab and delete, it feels like the default setting should be that tabs don't alter the paragraph level, and choosing to enable that behaviour is a preference. The current implementation feels as though the app default and preference setting are reversed from user expectations.

On 7/13/2022 at 1:34 PM, Bryan Rieger said:

expected behaviour

Just in case (since your screenshot doesn't show): to investigate such situations it helps to have the Text Ruler enabled and the Special Characters activated. They both give additional, visual hints in the text frame about tabs (special chars), respectively indents and custom tabs (ruler), thus without the need to check paragraph panel settings.


macOS 10.14.6 | MacBookPro Retina 15" | Eizo 27" | Affinity V1

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