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Firstly, this past week AP has crashed frequently on me. I've been editing three photos and gradually AP began crashing toward the end of editing - such as when adjusting unsharp or a high pass filter. Then it would crash without any action by me.


Secondly, today I attempted to open raw files and they would not open in the developer persona. They would open in the photo persona as a pixel layer or when I tried placing, as an image layer...


This has not happened before this week. Any insight into what may be the problem? I am using AP 1.3.5; Mac El Capitan 10.11.2.


Thank you!

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Well, the problem is solved. Seems to be a user error. I used the media browser for the first time and navigated to CR2 images which opened correctly in the develop persona. While browsing, I discovered that some of the files I thought were CR2 files were, indeed, jpegs. When I go to file>open>photos - I'm unable to see the extensions (I've attached 2 screenshots of this).  When I tried again with file>open and went to what I knew is a definite CR2 image, it open in the develop persona.



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hello keb1717,


happy you got around it. however, something escapes me.

i don't get the difference between opening a cr2 or a jpg file: in my experience, when i open in the photo persona a cr2 file through file->open, AP takes me automatically to the develop persona and opens the file, while if opening a jpg image, AP leaves me in the photo persona and just opens it.

instead, if i am in the develop persona and open a a file, AP opens it and stays in the develop persona regardless it's a raw file or not.


os x' finder can be configured to show file extensions, and this should help to avoid opening the wrong version of an image, but still i don't understand why opening a jpg file should crash AP.


i also tried through the "view->media browser" interface, and again AP has no troubles in opening a raw or jpg file...


what am i missing or misunderstanding in your explanation?

take care,


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instead, if i am in the develop persona and open a a file, AP opens it and stays in the develop persona regardless it's a raw file or not.



Hi barninga,

The Develop Persona never opens JPG files directly. RAW files always open exclusively in Develop Persona.

Processed files (JPG) opens in Photo Persona.

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Well, the problem remains unsolved, after all. Today I shot some bird photos, imported into mac Photos, created a new smart folder for RAW images, and verified they were CR2. I then opened AP, navigated to the RAW folder in Photos, opened an image, and it opened in the photo persona as a jpeg.


Hmm. I then went to the AP media browser, navigated to the same image, opened it, and it opened in the photo persona as a jpeg. So, I did a little investigating again. As you will see in the attached screenshot, Photos correctly shows the image as CR2. The AP media browser shows it as a jpeg. I then right-clicked the thumbnail in the AP media browser and selected "show in finder" - which displayed the image as a jpeg in a mystery folder. Now none of the raw files are showing as CR2 in the AP media browser.


So, I then exported the CR2 image from Photos to a desktop folder; in AP navigated to File>Open and to the image in the desktop folder which was displayed as CR2 and opened in the develop persona. I am unable to navigate to the desktop folder in the AP media browser.


Somehow, somewhere the CR2 images are also on my Mac somewhere in mystery folders as jpegs. Which explains why yesterday I was seeing what I was certain were CR2s as jpegs. However, yesterday I could find the CR2 images in Photos with the AP media browser. Today - no. Nor is AP>File>Open seeing the Photos images as CR2. Now AP only recognizes the CR2 if I export it from Photos.


I won't rule out that this is still user error; but, I'm thinking it's a bug somewhere.


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the problem is to find where the bug (if any) is. 

it is normal, i think, that AP cannot browse the desktop in the media browser, since the media browser is not intended to deal with the bare filesystem.

some camera can be configured to save shots in both formats, raw and jpg: could this be the actual scenario?

take care,


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Hi keb1717,

You can't use Affinity Photo's Media Browser to open RAW files stored in Apple Photo Libraries. All images imported this way will open as JPG's.

If you want to convert/process the original RAW files you have to manually export them from Apple Photos to a folder then open them in Affinity Photo.

To export a RAW file from Apple Photos go to menu File ▸ Export ▸ Export Unmodified Original...

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