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Export to .svg of shapes with strokes aligned to the inside of the shape is not working properly.

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When exporting shapes to .svg with strokes aligned to the inside of the shape, Affinity breaks up the shape into 2 filled paths, one shape to represent the black stroke outline, and one shape to represent the gray fill. When I open up the generated .svg in Affinity, the shapes appear to be in the wrong order looking in the layers panel. I would expect the fill to come before the "stroke" shape, but it doesn't. However, strangely enough, Affinity will mark the outline shape as being selected when I select the fill shape in the layers panel, and will mark the fill shape as being selected when I select the outline shape in the layers panel. Therefore, Affinity thinks that the 2 are in a reversed order than as seen in the layers panel, and therefore displays the image correctly.

However, when I then take the .svg code for the image created, and include it in a larger .svg file with other elements, the error becomes apparent. As expected, the shape representing the outline/stroke of the shape is on top of the fill, and therefore the whole shape is black.  For export, I'm using the svg (for export) setting along with flatten transforms, and I'm only exporting the selection. The incorrect ordering occurs on the "back" of the chair on the drawing.

I'm attaching 2 files, the .afdesign source code, and the generated .svg code.

AffinityTest.afdesign AffinityTest.svg

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I'm using version of Designer. At least in this version, when I open the .svg, the gray inner fill is the second-to-last item in the layer, and the surrounding black is the third-to-last item. I would expect the order to be reversed such that the surrounding black is behind the gray fill. However, when you actually click on the gray curve in the layers panel, the black curve is the one that gets selected in the drawing, and vice-versa. Because these are swapped, Designer actually draws it properly, but the .svg is not correct.

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SVG files only understand Centred Strokes, if we make objects with Inner and Outer aligned strokes Designer will make those strokes into expanded strokes.

2 hours ago, WavyDavy said:

When I open up the generated .svg in Affinity, the shapes appear to be in the wrong order looking in the layers panel. I would expect the fill to come before the "stroke" shape, but it doesn't.

Terms like "before" confuse the issue. Use terms like above and below, that is how the the layer panel works. We are looking from the top of the list down through all the layers to the bottommost layer.

The cushion is below the piping/stroke. You can change that in the Designer Strokes panel by clicking on the Order: buttons, draw the stroke below the cushion.



Mac Pro (Late 2013) Mac OS 12.7.6 
Affinity Designer 2.5.5 | Affinity Photo 2.5.5 | Affinity Publisher 2.5.5 | Beta versions as they appear.

I have never mastered color management, period, so I cannot help with that.

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I think I understand now, thanks. Part of my confusion was that I was thinking that the stroke curve created was a solid shape sitting behind the fill layer, rather than a complex curve that creates the outline shape. I'm trying to use the resulting .svg as a library element for another program, but when I apply a transform to the .svg data created by Designer, the complex outline curve created by Designer doesn't scale properly, resulting in the fill area being covered up. My work-around for now is to not use strokes in Affinity, and create 2 shapes, with the outline shape being slightly larger, and locate the fill shape above the outline shape. I don't quite understand why the transform doesn't work properly on the outline shape. If Designer instead did something similar to what I'm doing manually, I wouldn't have this type of issue. The complex outline shape seems like overkill, but I'm sure you have your reasons for doing it this way. Thanks for your help.

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5 minutes ago, WavyDavy said:

when I apply a transform to the .svg data created by Designer, the complex outline curve created by Designer doesn't scale properly, resulting in the fill area being covered up.

How are you applying a transform to the SVG data? 

You can get the stroke to scale if you use Centred and tick the Scale with object check box in the Stroke panel. See if strokes and fills will 'transform' properly when made that way.


Mac Pro (Late 2013) Mac OS 12.7.6 
Affinity Designer 2.5.5 | Affinity Photo 2.5.5 | Affinity Publisher 2.5.5 | Beta versions as they appear.

I have never mastered color management, period, so I cannot help with that.

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Selecting the scale with object box seems to have fixed the problem, but I can't be 100% sure. In the past, it seems like sometimes the scaling worked fine and sometimes it didn't, so there's still something going on that I don't quite understand. I'm transforming the .svg code by using the code as a library element in a different program, and surrounded it with a group tag with a transform matrix. I'll post if I find additional information to understand when the transformation does or doesn't work. As I mentioned, the only part that wasn't always transforming properly for me was the complex outline path created by Designer. Thanks again for your help.

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  • 3 weeks later...

OK, I've stumbled across this problem again. It's very strange. As I said before, I'm surrounding a piece of svg code with an svg transform in order to shrink it down. The outlines that Affinity Designer creates for my shapes seem to work fine for all but one. In all cases, I specified in Affinity to align the border to the inside, and to scale with objects. I've attached 2 files. The office.svg file contains just an office chair. When you open up this unscaled version, everything looks fine. The other file, Test_export.svg takes the office chair svg code and surrounds it with a transform. Everything shrinks down fine with the exception of the back of the chair, which is all black. I didn't do anything different for the back of the chair vs. the other shapes that make up the chair. You can find the office.svg code in the Text_export.svg file by searching for "office".

Test_export.svg office.svg

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  • 4 weeks later...

On the SVG of your chair, you'll notice that these arms are constructed in a different way to your headrest. This is a shape with a stroke, the headrest is a filled shape with no outline, allgined with another unfilled shape with no outline (invisible).

 To me it just looks like the design process wasn't consistent, i can only see the SVG's though, not the original design document.



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Here's a more compelling example. In this test, I drew a refrigerator and then copied and flipped the refrigerator. The flipped version does not draw properly, whereas the non-flipped version does. The original design file includes both refrigerators, flipped and unflipped. I've also attached the exported .svg files of each version of the refrigerator along with an svg design files that uses and resizes the svg files.

fridge_right_test.svg fridge_left_test.svg appliance_test.afdesign Fridge_Test_export.svg

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Could this problem be related to the inner alignment for most but not all of the strokes.




Mac Pro (Late 2013) Mac OS 12.7.6 
Affinity Designer 2.5.5 | Affinity Photo 2.5.5 | Affinity Publisher 2.5.5 | Beta versions as they appear.

I have never mastered color management, period, so I cannot help with that.

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It might only happen if aligning the stroke to the inside, but it doesn't consistently cause a problem. In the last example that I posted, all I did was flip the same drawing horizontally, and the the flipped drawing exhibited the problem whereas the un-flipped drawing didn't. The SVG files created for the "working" and "non-working" versions look the same structurally. They both replace the outline with a path statement. I don't know why one path statement resizes properly while the other one doesn't.

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