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exported jpg from Affinity won't print on photo printing machine at drug store

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I have exported Affinity files as jpg so that I could print them off.  Other jpg files from another program (ACDC) were on the same thumb drive and printed fine.  But those worked and then exported from Affinity are shown on the machine as files that can not be opened, and therefore can't be printed.  

Do I need to do a setting differently, or has anyone else experienced this? 

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Hi Megzaela,


Both the files you have attached are .afphoto files and not .Jpgs please could you try printing my attached file to see if it resolves your issue?




Please tag me using @ in your reply so I can be sure to respond ASAP.

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check the extension of the files you exported. if it is .aphoto, then they are not jpg files: you saved them in the native affinity photo format. these files are intended for use with AP only and retain layer, adjustment, etc. information.


the file->save command produces .aphoto files; the file->export command allows to save the file in a standard format as jpg, tiff, or whatever.


sorry if all this sounds obvious.


take care


take care,


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They show up on my laptop as jpg files and I can open them in ADCD, another photo program that does not recognize the Affinity format.  So that isn't the issue.  

These same files I was able to "save as" in ACDC and they printed fine from the drugstore printer.

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