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D&B non destructively


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It would be nice if the D&B tool could work non destructively like the inpainting brush - on a layer on top.


We can already use 50% grey with soft/ hard light blend mode and blend if to D&B specific areas non destructively but I feel like it would be much more convenient with the standard D&B tool.


Thanks for your consideration.



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Yeah but therefore I need to first merge the layers underneath (pretending I have done some previous adjustments) and when I then want to change previous adjustments later on I can't do it because the merged layer blocks everything beneath it.



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You can do it this way:


  1. Add a pixel layer
  2. Fill with 50% gray
  3. Change pixel layer's blend mode to overlay
  4. Dodge and burn to your heart's content on this pixel layer.
  5. Change opacity etc. as needed

Does that work for you? I'm not sure of the blend if method that you use. Do you have a write up or video of your method?

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+1 for non destructive dodge and burn please! The above suggestions all work well and there are many other variations e.g. painting on colour with brush, curve masks etc.. but for example if you could just select the burn tool and start burning immediately on a an adjustment layer automatically it would be more efficient, not to mention time saving!

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I have to add that there is one "problem"

- the D&B tool works on a highlights or midtowns or shadows basis so when you alter the underlying tones, the D&B tool would have to take more effect or fade out.


For example: Dodge or Burning mid tones, then lowering the exposure (in underlying adjustments) so that these areas are now shadows - now the mid tone D&B would have to lose it´s effect.


I´d say the behavior could be implemented as if I use a 50% grey layer with "soft light blend mode" and "blend if" targeting shadows/highlights or mid tones.


Now the next problem rises as the layer would have to remember which strokes on a layer were set to the mode "affect mid tones" ""affect highlights" or "affect shadows"....and that´s probably not possible to do in 5 seconds.....



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