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Still relatively new to Aff.Des., I've been learning by recreating some old illustrations I made in AI years ago. My notion is to learn the differences and find out how to do what I did with different software.

Cancer is the first one I've tried. There have been a couple of things that I did in AI that I can't do in AD, and a couple of things that I can't remember how I did them.


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This looks fantastic and as we don't have access to what you previously did, it stands amazingly on it's own.

Personally, I like discovering the bits and pieces of Designer as I absolutely LOATHED the bloated albatross known as AI. I've had NONE of the problems with Designer that had plagued me with AI. Truthfully, I probably only used AI when there was no other option so I didn't venture very far with it, but with Designer I have been exploring and advancing much more than otherwise. I think whatever shortcomings the program may have in regards to certain features will be a gap that will be closed sooner than later.

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vidu3k333—the typeface is Futura in a mix of its many variants. Some of the characters (especially in the dates) have been converted to curves and manipulated.

Dannyg9—thanks Danny. One of the main differences is that the heavy black outlines in the crab were previously created using AI’s filters (the Roughen filter if I remember correctly). AD doesn’t have this type of filter (or if it does I haven’t found them yet) so I had to create this with the pen tool. It meant constructing the illustration in a different way, but that’s not difficult once you know that’s what you’ll have to do.

It’s amusing how we get so accustomed to a piece of software that we have very strong reactions to changes or loss. I first learned vector artwork with Aldus Freehand and was annoyed when it ceased to exist. I quite soon got accustomed to (had to) AI and was annoyed when they went onto the subscription model because I don’t need it often enough now to justify that.

Still learning and practicing with AD but I’m very glad a friend put me onto it, as my very, very old copy of AI was becoming unusable. There are some things about AI that I miss and there are some things about AD that I prefer and think are better. (I confess here that I’m still struggling to understand the concept of the AD Layers panel and the intricacies of moving objects around within it).

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