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fusing lines to fill resulting shape?

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When drawing more complex shapes, I typically use several lines to get fluid forms. In Affinity I am looking for a way to fuse such lines into 1 line/ curve, with the aim to fill the inside.

"Add-function does not give wishful result, and it seems there is no "snap"-function when overlapping the end points. Is it currently possible or would it count as feature request maybe?

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If you select all of your lines and make sure you are in the node tool, there is join curves button on the context toolbar.

You can also snap points by switching on 'Snap to selected curves' on the same context bar.

It obviously works best if you snap first and then join.

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A follow-up question:


when dividing a shape whith a line, can I fill both resulting divisions with different color or do I have to create a shape fitting into the bigger one to achieve this

(in another app I am using, I can just draw a line and that will automatically create sub-zones so I wonder how to do it best in Affinity).

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Draw the line you want to use to cut the shape, create a shape out of it (because currently you can't perform boolean operations between a path and a shape) and then select both a use divide (boolean operation). You will get three shapes. Delete the one you don't want and then you can fill the others as any regular shape.

Out of curiosity, can you tell me which application is that?

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