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I have not long started using Affinity Photo and have a (rather silly but nagging) question.

Do I need to convert an image to a pixel layer before retouching?

The reason I ask is when reading tutorials the layers panel always shows images as pixel layers.

Many thanks All


28 minutes ago, BadgerBill said:

Do I need to convert an image to a pixel layer before retouching?

It depends on what you mean by ‘retouching’.
Image layers can have some things done to them without rasterising, but if you want to alter individual pixels then you need to rasterise to a Pixel Layer.
Image layers, in this way, can be thought of as ‘placeholders’ for the Pixel Layers.


Hello GaryP

Thanks for your quick rely.

By retouching I refer to image adjustment, manipulation, colour-adjustment, enhancing, blending etc.

Does this come under 'individual pixels'?

To be safe is it best to rasterise anyway?




All of those things you refer to could be interpreted in different ways.
You can certainly apply a colour adjustment to an Image Layer but what, exactly, do you mean by “image adjustment” or “manipulation”, or “enhancing”?
Those terms are way too general to give any specific advice.

Why not try to do what you want to do and then tell us when you have problems?

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