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I recently purchased today the textbook for Affinity Publisher. However, I'm kind of confused where do I go from this point. I've downloaded all the files but where do I go from here. I have read the instructions but I'm still confused. Do I have to install these files and how and is this book a hardcopy. Can I get some help please

Affinity Publisher Textbook Purchase.png


Welcome to the forums @hairpatrick

The Publisher Workbook is a physical book, so if you have ordered it you will need to wait for it to be delivered.

Some of the files in your screenshot looks like fonts – they have an OTF extension – so they can be downloaded and installed on your machine.
To install fonts, do a web search for “install font windows” or “install font osx” (without the quotes), depending on which operating system you are using, and follow the instructions given after clicking on a link for those instructions.

One of the files is a ZIP file which should be downloaded and then you should extract the files from that ZIP.
To extract files from a ZIP, do a web search for “extract files zip windows” or “extract files zip osx” (without the quotes), depending on which operating system you are using, and follow the instructions given after clicking on a link for those instructions.
What you do with the extracted files depends on what sort of files have been extracted.


Just hoped that this is my conversation, but maybe I could conquer it …
Here's my problem: Today I finally get my WorkBook for Publisher. At the beginning it says, that there are download-ressources. But after I logged into my account there are only my apps I've bought and all the other fonts and brushes stuff I've bought the last years.
So please help me find that stuff.
Thank you very much and best regards from Germany

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