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I'm not really sure where to start with this support request, other than to say that Affinity Publisher used to be rock solid for me. I had been using it for a couple of years without any major issues. But for the past month or so, I'm experiencing several crashes a day. Photo and Designer are fine. It's only Publisher that is giving me trouble.

The crashes and random, and happen both on files that I have been working on for several months, as well as brand-new files with very little work done on them. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to the crashes. Selecting text sometimes leads to a crash. Other times, clicking on a graphic will do it. Once in a while, I'll just doing nothing at all other than reading what is on the page, and the application will crash/quit on its own.

Maybe it's my Mac (running Big Sur); or maybe it's Publisher itself. I wish I could get to the bottom of it.

If anyone has advice as to how I can troubleshoot this, I'd welcome it.



  • Staff

Hi MangaUniversity,

I'm sorry to hear you are experiencing poor performance with the app. Please could you go into the apps preferences and provide a screenshot of the entire performance tab? This will allow me to investigate this issue further.

Please tag me using @ in your reply so I can be sure to respond ASAP.

  • Staff

Hi Mangauniversity,

I apologise for the delayed response. Please could you try un ticking Metal compute found towards the bottom of your screenshot to see if this solves your issue? If it doesn't please could you provide the latest crash report by following the below guide? 



Please tag me using @ in your reply so I can be sure to respond ASAP.


Hi @Callum,

I unchecked "Enable Metal compute acceleration" as suggested. Within 10 minutes of using Publisher, it crashed once again.

Incidentally, when I restart after a crash, Affinity opens the Terminal application. If I try to close the resulting Terminal window, it shuts Affinity down as well. Only then can I relaunch the app and begin using it (until it crashes again).

I've attached the Console's report for the latest crash.



Affinity Publisher_2021-11-23-172133_Glenns-MacBook-Air.crash


Looks like to crash then here during a replace text operation, due to some performed new selection ...


Thread 9 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: com.apple.root.default-qos
0   liblibpersona.dylib               0x00000001232aa468 BaseReplaceTextCommand::MakeNewSelection(Kernel::Counted<Selection const>, Story::StoryRanges const&, Story::AnchoredSelection const&) + 444
1   liblibpersona.dylib               0x00000001232a5390 BaseReplaceTextCommand::Do() + 800
2   liblibpersona.dylib               0x00000001232a5390 BaseReplaceTextCommand::Do() + 800
3   liblibpersona.dylib               0x000000011a5d9f38 CompoundCommand::Do() + 140
4   liblibpersona.dylib               0x000000011a59e7ec DocumentCommand::DoAndUpdateCaches() + 176
5   liblibpersona.dylib               0x000000011d87c254 DocumentController::ProcessCommand(Kernel::Counted<DomainCommand>, std::__1::vector<Kernel::Counted<Kernel::Notification>, std::__1::allocator<Kernel::Counted<Kernel::Notification> > >&) + 3408
6   liblibpersona.dylib               0x00000001164b6d8c DomainController::ProcessCommandQueue() + 628


☛ Affinity Designer 1.10.8 ◆ Affinity Photo 1.10.8 ◆ Affinity Publisher 1.10.8 ◆ OSX El Capitan
☛ Affinity V2.3 apps ◆ MacOS Sonoma 14.2 ◆ iPad OS 17.2


Thanks, @v_kyr, for deciphering the crash log. I certainly wouldn't have been able to figure that out.

I was indeed doing text replacement at the time of this particular crash.

Unfortunately, other times the application has crashed while I was adjusting the position of an image, changing the width of a text box ... or just staring at the screen doing nothing.

But perhaps what you've found is a start toward figuring this issue out. I'm certainly willing to accept that it might have something to do with my computer and not the application itself. I should note, though, that the only third party apps currently installed on the machine are Affinity Publisher, Photo and Designer. Everything else is native Apple.


9 hours ago, mangauniversity said:

Incidentally, when I restart after a crash, Affinity opens the Terminal application.

Are you talking about restarting your Mac or the Affinity app?

Either way, that seems very odd.

All 3 1.10.8, & all 3 V2.5.7 Mac apps; 2020 iMac 27"; 3.8GHz i7, Radeon Pro 5700, 32GB RAM; macOS 10.15.7
ll 3 V2 apps for iPad; 6th Generation iPad 32 GB; Apple Pencil; iPadOS 15.7

3 minutes ago, R C-R said:

that seems very odd.

I have read here in the forums other people mentioning about the Terminal starting up after a crash. I have never experienced that.

I too think it is very odd.

Mac Pro (Late 2013) Mac OS 12.7.6 
Affinity Designer 2.5.7 | Affinity Photo 2.5.7 | Affinity Publisher 2.5.7 | Beta versions as they appear.

I have never mastered color management, period, so I cannot help with that.

9 minutes ago, Old Bruce said:

I have read here in the forums other people mentioning about the Terminal starting up after a crash.

Immediately after an Affinity app crash, or after restarting their computer after it crashes? 

All 3 1.10.8, & all 3 V2.5.7 Mac apps; 2020 iMac 27"; 3.8GHz i7, Radeon Pro 5700, 32GB RAM; macOS 10.15.7
ll 3 V2 apps for iPad; 6th Generation iPad 32 GB; Apple Pencil; iPadOS 15.7

10 hours ago, mangauniversity said:

Incidentally, when I restart after a crash, Affinity opens the Terminal application. If I try to close the resulting Terminal window, it shuts Affinity down as well. Only then can I relaunch the app and begin using it (until it crashes again).

If you experience this again, aka after a crash that Terminal.app is opened with Affinity, try out the following ...

  1.  hit "Ctrl-z" in Terminal.app so it suspends the process.
  2. Afterwards type & run "disown" inside the terminal, in order to release the app from the terminal. - That should usually print you a "kill -CONT -<number>" command.
  3. Run that "kill -CONT -<number>" command in the terminal. - You should now be able to close the terminal and keep the Affinity program running.

I think this is overall a BigSur related issue/problem.


☛ Affinity Designer 1.10.8 ◆ Affinity Photo 1.10.8 ◆ Affinity Publisher 1.10.8 ◆ OSX El Capitan
☛ Affinity V2.3 apps ◆ MacOS Sonoma 14.2 ◆ iPad OS 17.2


I have always read it as ...


   Terminal pops up with a message.

Then the person will...

   Restart whichever application crashed.

I could be wrong.


Mac Pro (Late 2013) Mac OS 12.7.6 
Affinity Designer 2.5.7 | Affinity Photo 2.5.7 | Affinity Publisher 2.5.7 | Beta versions as they appear.

I have never mastered color management, period, so I cannot help with that.

10 minutes ago, Old Bruce said:

I have always read it as ...


   Terminal pops up with a message.

I don't think the message I see pop up after a crash actually comes from the Terminal.app. 

All 3 1.10.8, & all 3 V2.5.7 Mac apps; 2020 iMac 27"; 3.8GHz i7, Radeon Pro 5700, 32GB RAM; macOS 10.15.7
ll 3 V2 apps for iPad; 6th Generation iPad 32 GB; Apple Pencil; iPadOS 15.7


Nor me, it is something I think of as "Crash Reporter".

Mac Pro (Late 2013) Mac OS 12.7.6 
Affinity Designer 2.5.7 | Affinity Photo 2.5.7 | Affinity Publisher 2.5.7 | Beta versions as they appear.

I have never mastered color management, period, so I cannot help with that.

2 hours ago, Old Bruce said:

Nor me, it is something I think of as "Crash Reporter".

Same for me. 

All 3 1.10.8, & all 3 V2.5.7 Mac apps; 2020 iMac 27"; 3.8GHz i7, Radeon Pro 5700, 32GB RAM; macOS 10.15.7
ll 3 V2 apps for iPad; 6th Generation iPad 32 GB; Apple Pencil; iPadOS 15.7


The Terminal window when I restart the application (not the Mac) following a crash.

So, it's ...

Publisher crashes

I reopen Publisher

Terminal window opens

Closing the Terminal window also causes Publisher to close/quit

30 minutes ago, mangauniversity said:

The Terminal window when I restart the application (not the Mac) following a crash.

Just so we are clear on this, on the main menu just to the right of the Apple logo, the next menu is named "Terminal"?

All 3 1.10.8, & all 3 V2.5.7 Mac apps; 2020 iMac 27"; 3.8GHz i7, Radeon Pro 5700, 32GB RAM; macOS 10.15.7
ll 3 V2 apps for iPad; 6th Generation iPad 32 GB; Apple Pencil; iPadOS 15.7

3 hours ago, R C-R said:

Just so we are clear on this, on the main menu just to the right of the Apple logo, the next menu is named "Terminal"?

I will double-check the next time it happens, but I am almost certain that it says "Affinity Publisher," not "Terminal"

Edit: I was incorrect (see post below this one). It says "Terminal."


OK, it just crashed again. And it says "Terminal" rather than "Affinity Publisher"

Here's the language in the Terminal window

Last login: Tue Nov 23 17:21:47 on ttys000
mac@Macs-MacBook-Air ~ % /Applications/Affinity\ Publisher.app/Contents/MacOS/Affinity\ Publisher ; exit;
2021-11-24 13:15:55.989 Affinity Publisher[11997:23716157] CoreText note: Client requested name ".SFNS-RegularItalic", it will get Times-Roman rather than the intended font. All system UI font access should be through proper APIs such as CTFontCreateUIFontForLanguage() or +[NSFont systemFontOfSize:].
2021-11-24 13:15:55.989 Affinity Publisher[11997:23716157] CoreText note: Set a breakpoint on CTFontLogSystemFontNameRequest to debug.
2021-11-24 13:16:00.907 Affinity Publisher[11997:23716157] *** WARNING: Method convertPointToBase: in class NSView is deprecated on 10.7 and later. It should not be used in new applications. 

9 hours ago, v_kyr said:

If you experience this again, aka after a crash that Terminal.app is opened with Affinity, try out the following ...

  1.  hit "Ctrl-z" in Terminal.app so it suspends the process.
  2. Afterwards type & run "disown" inside the terminal, in order to release the app from the terminal. - That should usually print you a "kill -CONT -<number>" command.
  3. Run that "kill -CONT -<number>" command in the terminal. - You should now be able to close the terminal and keep the Affinity program running.

I think this is overall a BigSur related issue/problem.

Thanks for that advice. I followed your instructions and was able to close Terminal without having Publisher quit as well.

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