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I am attempting to make a photo book and in order to meet the measurement requirements for the templates, I need to resize my images. Some of my photos are the shape of a square but need to fit a template page that is a rectangle. If I change the LxW figures to fit the page, the image undergoes distortion. Can you please advise how I may be able to augment my image to fit the parameters? Thank you.

3 minutes ago, Nikon Girl said:

If I change the LxW figures to fit the page

In the transform panel right of the W and H field is a lock/chain symbol. If this is clicked the image maintains its aspect ratio if you alter one value.

Also it may be useful to place each image in a Picture Frame and set its Properties as wanted. That way you can achieve that the image always fills the frame without distortion, regardless of the frame's aspect ratio and size. (by cropping the image, which you can adjust/move manually for each frame).

https://affinity.help/publisher/English.lproj/index.html?page=pages/Media/pictureFrames.html?title=Picture frames

macOS 10.14.6 | MacBookPro Retina 15" | Eizo 27" | Affinity V1


Try the above by thomaso said first, if that doesn't work depending on the contents/scene shown for certain images, than you have to try to crop them and their contents accordingly if possible, aka:


☛ Affinity Designer 1.10.8 ◆ Affinity Photo 1.10.8 ◆ Affinity Publisher 1.10.8 ◆ OSX El Capitan
☛ Affinity V2.3 apps ◆ MacOS Sonoma 14.2 ◆ iPad OS 17.2


Would this task be easier if I simply used affinity publisher and uploaded the photos to the pages/frames for the layout for my photobook to see the flow of all the collective images in its entirety?

3 hours ago, Nikon Girl said:

Would this task be easier if I simply used affinity publisher and uploaded the photos to the pages/frames for the layout for my photobook to see the flow of all the collective images in its entirety?

I don't understand. What would be the alternative? – In case you are cropping first each single image and save them as cropped files: Don't, there is no need & no advantage but waste of disk space.

Create Master Pages with your several page layouts of empty Picture Frames. (I suppose they aren't many different layouts for the photo book)
Then fill these frames on the document pages with images. If you use the Place Tool you can select a bunch of images at a time and get an according place cursor / image preview. You also can drag an image from a Finder / Explorer window onto an APub picture frame. Try various frame properties + ways to load images to notice which works best before you start the process for hundreds of images, that might help to avoid layout or property corrections afterwards.

Also, it can be useful not to use Master Page Picture Frames for those images which shouldn't follow the preset grid, for instance of you don't know before placing whether they get cropped or not – because though you may alter the aspect ratio and size of a Picture Frame of (not: on) a Master Page the required workflow of "detaching" the master layer on document pages again and again to be allowed to alter the frame dimensions or position may appear more cumbersome than working with frames exterior the master layer.

If you want a specific style for your picture frames you can save it as object style in the Styles Panel. For border strokes make sure to keep "Scale with object" unticked to avoid varying border width if you scale a frame with a border style assigned.

Note there is a document preference for placed resources: either linked or embedded. Embedding may increase the .afpub size massively because the resources get included in full size. Also there is an app preference for auto-updates of linked resources which got modified external. This can be useful if you want to be sure that always the latest file status of a placed resource appears in APub automatically.

macOS 10.14.6 | MacBookPro Retina 15" | Eizo 27" | Affinity V1


If you want to augment the image e.g. to make it wider, the rectangular marquee tool can work to stretch the edges or even copy a block of  the image. Use the crop tool first to resize the canvas. Then use the marquee tool to mark the area you want to stretch/copy, duplicate selection, and use the move tool after deselecting. There are videos somewhere on doing  this.

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