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Anyone have any idea why when the picture frames are all under one Master does Affinity randomly place an outline around a picture frame box? I have tried everything I can thing of to remove it. When I choose hide as an option it hides the image inside it. The images do not have a line around them. I even recreated the ones this is happening to. It doesn't happen often but I want everything consistant.

line aroud picture frame.png

1 hour ago, jwardzala said:

The images do not have a line around them.

There must be a stroke or outline effect applied to the picture frame.

Off topic, I presume you’re aware that ‘Cretaceous Period’ needs a space between the two words.

Alfred spacer.png
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for Windows • Windows 10 Home/Pro
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for iPad • iPadOS 17.5.1 (iPad 7th gen)


Thank you. Nope no stroke was applied. I checked. How does one get an outline effect. I checked in YouTube an can't find the instructions for an outline like that. I thought I could reverse it somewhere if it exists. 
Thank you for pointing out the typo. I actually type them in for each dinosaur. I found if I put it in the Master somehow it gets all messed 

On 11/13/2021 at 7:13 AM, jwardzala said:

Nope no stroke was applied. I checked.

There is a stroke assigned for instance to this picture frame on page 63.
Strokes are indicated by the UI in the Context Toolbar + the Stroke Panel + the Color Panel.


On 11/13/2021 at 7:13 AM, jwardzala said:

How does one get an outline effect. I checked in YouTube an can't find the instructions

You can assign a stroke and / or an outline effect.
Helping instructions: https://affinity.help/publisher/English.lproj/index.html?page=pages/LayerFX/layerFX_outline.html?title=Outline


47 minutes ago, jwardzala said:

I am having a heck of a time with really strange things happening.

What are they exactly? – Currently I can not see any of the issues you mentioned in your other thread. So, maybe you want to check the attached PDF (low res) for any unexpected issues, and, if you find any, describe them with text or a screenhot + mention the page number of each. That will make things easier if somebody will take a closer look to your .afpub to search for or detect any issue caused by the app.  DinosaurBookMaster11-14-21-2_ot.pdf 

I did not investigate any further yet. It may take a while since your layer structure and use of master layers appears quite complex. For easier overview you could delete all empty picture frames – they were placed on a master page but apparently are not used, it seems you inserted their images instead in additional picture frames. Also it could clear the Layers Panel if the "(Curves)" + "(Table)" layers (showing the boxed line grid) will become grouped on their master pages, that way they take less space / lines in the panel and enable easier orientation and focus on the layers with individual, varying content.

macOS 10.14.6 | MacBookPro Retina 15" | Eizo 27" | Affinity V1


I don't put in strokes. This is just another anomaly.

I can't open Affiinity at the moment. I double click the icon (like I usually do) and nothing happens. I tried doing a right click Open and still nothing. 
I want to uninstall the program and reinstall it. How do I do that on with the free trial I have at the moment?

8 minutes ago, thomaso said:

There is a stroke assigned for instance to this picture frame on page 63.
Strokes are indicated by the UI in the Context Toolbar + the Stroke Panel + the Color Panel.


You can assign a stroke and / or an outline effect.
Helping instructions: https://affinity.help/publisher/English.lproj/index.html?page=pages/LayerFX/layerFX_outline.html?title=Outline


What are they exactly? – Currently I can not see any of the issues you mentioned in your other thread. So, maybe you want to check the attached PDF (low res) for any unexpected issues, and, if you find any, describe them with text or a screenhot + mention the page number of each. That will make things easier if somebody will take a closer look to your .afpub to search for or detect any issue caused by the app.  DinosaurBookMaster11-14-21-2_ot.pdf 

I did not investigate any further yet. It may take a while since your layer structure and use of master layers appears quite complex. For easier overview you could delete all empty picture frames – they were placed on a master page but apparently are not used, it seems you inserted their images instead in additional picture frames. Also it could clear the Layers Panel if the "(Curves)" + "(Table)" layers (showing the boxed line grid) will become grouped on their master pages, that way they take less space / lines in the panel and enable easier orientation and focus on the layers with individual, varying content.

I want Tech support to take over this. You know what my issues are because you have been commenting on the thread "Why is Affinity Publisher Doing This?"
I did not remove any frames that are in the Master that is applied. They are gone because the program removed them. I appreciate your help but at the moment it is not solving the issues of the program removing and moving images and text. 

  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Hi, it's my first day using this product and I've already found that when importing a picture or a vector there is an annoying line put around them that is retained when printing.  The originals do not have this line.  I've checked the stroke and colour fills etc and cannot find where to turn this off.  I have to wonder why the tool would default to this in the first place - I'm all good with a light gray indicator of where the box is, but not having it printable.  Any ideas anyone?  I'm sure if this was happening to everyone this thread would be much longer, so I'm obviously doing something wrong.

The below shows how it looks straight after import.


Screenshot 2022-04-09 at 2.55.28 PM.png



If you can upload (to the forum) one of the original files and the Affinity document that contains that file we may be able to better figure out where the problem lies

To save time I am currently using an automated AI to reply to some posts on this forum. If any of "my" posts are wrong or appear to be total b*ll*cks they are the ones generated by the AI. If correct they were probably mine. I apologise for any mistakes made by my AI - I'm sure it will improve with time.


Please find attached.  I have uploaded both eps and jpg and both of them exhibit the behaviour.  It is the same in a new document or an existing one.  I have tried using embedded to see if there was anything quirky there.  But just understand this is a fresh install (never been installed before) and placing these files in any new document it just happens by default.  I've barely had time to start using the product.


I also tried dragging images in vs using the image import tool.

This is on an M1 Pro Mac in case that makes any difference.



Concept1.afpub vecteezy_family-silhouettes-vector_6955370.eps

Posted (edited)

Hmm I note the box around that in this forum, perhaps it does have a box around it!  Yep it did, which gave me an excuse to buy affinity photo.  Still gotta figure out how to turn these boxes off from other things like new text boxes, but I'm sure that will be a little more obvious.  Thanks for your help.

Edited by Marshalleq
1 hour ago, Marshalleq said:

Hmm I note the box around that in this forum, perhaps it does have a box around it!  Yep it did, which gave me an excuse to buy affinity photo.  Still gotta figure out how to turn these boxes off from other things like new text boxes, but I'm sure that will be a little more obvious.  Thanks for your help.

I might misunderstand you, especially your use of the term "box". – When I open (not place or paste) the .eps in Affinity and unfold its Layer in the Layers panel it shows at the bottom of the layer stack underneath the people shapes two rectangular "Curve" layers, one is the white background, the other is a black 1 pt stroke. To get rid of this either set it to invisible in the Layers Panel or simply delete it.

macOS 10.14.6 | MacBookPro Retina 15" | Eizo 27" | Affinity V1

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