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Saving causes Crash

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Hi guys

i have a large Publisherdocument which I need to get printet as soon as possible. The problem is, i'm not able to finish the work, because Publisher always crashes, when im saving. 

I already disabled "show exampels" in the studio panel and also the hardware accelaration. But the problem stil exists. It worked fine for several hours today. I saved the document permanently. The main work in the last hours was replacing the pictures in it. But now it doesnt matter which picture Im working on, Publisher will crash while saving. 

I worked in the 1.10 release Edition und also tried the newest Beta, but no change. Is there somone who can try to fix the document right now. I need the book to get printed. 

Thanks for help.


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Where could I upload the file to get it fixed? Is there a chance to rescue the file?

The problem is, that I dont get any error information. Publisher just crashes, without saving any recovery files.


I attached the crash log file. I hope it will help. 
It seems, that the same file works properly at other PCs. But im not sure yet.

Im using an Asus Zen Book Duo, Windows 10 Home, the latest versions auf Affinity Publisher und Affinity Publisher beta. 


Publisher Crash logs.zip Beta Crash log.zip

Edited by Mr. Dyck
Added crash logs
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The crash reports would indicate a problem saving the History with the document. You could try disabling that option and saving a copy. If you could also upload the current version of the file here we can investigate resolving the crash

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