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Installed 1.10 updates on all 3 windows products. Publisher no problem. Designer and Photo will not start as stand alone products. Once it appears to get to finish installing fonts, it disappears. Have tried to repair and nothing. Also tried to open a afdesign file in Design and jpg file using Photo, both didn't open the files.

Designer and Photo both appeard to work when I tried to use them within Publisher.

  • Staff

Hi Mikef,

Can you go to the following locations please and try this
1. Go to %appdata%\Affinity\Designer\ and rename the '1.0' folder to '1.0 old'
2. Zip up and attach the '1.0 old' folder to our Internal Dropbox here: https://www.dropbox.com/request/YK0C6wJOD3vZLzESnm1z
3. Go to %appdata%\Affinity\Photo\ and again rename the '1.0' folder to '1.0 old'
4. Zip up and attach Photo's '1.0 old' folder to the Dropbox link above
5. Try to load Designer and Photo again.

If Step 5 does work, we still need you to upload those two zips so we can investigate.



Uploaded the Designer 1.0 old file. For Photo, ran netfxrapairtool.exe, reinstalled Photo, and it now works without changing the folder to 1.0 Old. I can still zip and upload if you want it.

  • Staff

Unfortunately I can't see that file on Dropbox yet - does it still have some time to appear? It just appeared

You may as well upload that Photo file as well if thats ok? Is Designer still not loading for you?

Posted (edited)

OFC this workaround makes Aff Designer forget your personal settings and registration 🤢

EDIT: the App then crashed on sign in part (I didn't get to type anything), when I tried to register it. And then I just found it open, and registered ready to go. That was a really odd UX to say the least.


Edited by Nikola Kovac
new situation developed


I also downloaded 'Designer' last night to try it out as a free trial before purchase (not used it before) it installed I click to open and i'm displayed with the screen continue trial / unlock product key etc.. I click Continue trial it then closes completely. Unsure what to do as never used this software before.


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