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how to use inclusive writing for masculine/feminine (French)

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Hello everyone
I am using the French version of Affinity Publisher 1.9.3
Does anyone know how to use inclusive writing for masculine/feminine (with the dot in the middle, not on the base of the line).

The Mac shortcut (alt+shift+F) does it, but I find that the dot is very far from the letter.

Thank you for your answer.
A nice day to all and hello to the Affinity team who is doing a great job.

Capture d’écran 2021-06-08 à 11.01.55.png

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Welcome to the Affinity forums @Bruno Champey!

18 minutes ago, Bruno Champey said:

The Mac shortcut (alt+shift+F) does it, but I find that the dot is very far from the letter.

Maybe the font has some other dots you could use. Use the Glyph Browser to verify this. Else write with this dot you found and when the document is ready use Find and Replace to replace the dot with itself plus with a text style (Character style) that shifts the baseline down.

Edited by Joachim_L
Added more information

Windows 10 | i5-8500 CPU | Intel UHD 630 Graphics | 32 GB RAM | Latest Retail and Beta versions of complete Affinity range installed

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S'il n'y a pas la possibilité de l'éviter, il vaut mieux utiliser la méthode de @Joachim_L, sans oublier d'inclure un style de caractère sans césure ou de le faire manuellement.

If you can't avoid it, use the mentioned method, and add no-break style around those characters too, or add it manually.

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