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Welcome and User Account Windows don't scale to system properly

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Don't have time to do the perfect bug report

I'm on Windows 10 using a 4k display with an XP-Pen 22r pro graphic display tablet. I am using the latest version of Designer.

FYI The following issue does not exist with Photo.

with my 4k display set to 250% scale(recommended) of 3840x2160 and my XP-Pen at 100% (1920x1080). The welcome window and user account windwo are massive on the XP Pen and the container window is expanded beyond the edge of the screen with the close button being off-screen. This requires the user to press escape to use the program and the cannot use the functionality of the welcome or user account window.

This is 100% reproducible.

That is all I have time for sorry.

Cannot wait for the fix!


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Hi Mike,

Thanks for letting us know. I've reproduced this and will get it passed along to development. I myself do run a similar set up monitor wise (4k@150% and 1080p at 100%) and don't run into this. However changing my 4k to 250% I do see it - so I would assume changing yours to 150% would help alleviate the issue. 200% may work but that did also seem to cut some parts of for me.

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