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Problems trying to achieve Dragan effect.

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Trying some approaches to the Dragan effect. Duplicate image and convert to B&W (and merge down). Duplicate this layer and set Vivid Light blend mode. Then introduce High Pass filter and I have black squares appearing when I change the radius (with Overlay blend mode). Hadn't seen this on previous attempts so not sure how reproducible it is. I'll try. When I put these in a group to blend with the original image (Overlay mode again) it also does something similar when I change opacity. OpenCL acceleration on.



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Is this issue specific to the beta version of the software, or do you just happen to be using the beta?
Do you get the same issue with the commercial release?
(This area of the forums is for issues with the latest beta version only.)

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8 hours ago, GarryP said:

Is this issue specific to the beta version of the software, or do you just happen to be using the beta?
Do you get the same issue with the commercial release?
(This area of the forums is for issues with the latest beta version only.)

It seems specific to the beta.

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Hi both,

I will get this logged as those artefacts you see in the Beta should not be there. But the dark spots you see in the release are excepted. 

Just a quick hint @RichardMH. I believe you're using OBS to capture your screen. Set the capture source to Display instead of app so we can see your pop-ups. Also, why are you working in 32bit? You have some negative values in those dark areas, when you apply that vidid light blend mode, you push them into very high values(mathematically correct) but will not look as expected on screen. 

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9 hours ago, Gabe said:

Hi both,

I will get this logged as those artefacts you see in the Beta should not be there. But the dark spots you see in the release are excepted. 

Just a quick hint @RichardMH. I believe you're using OBS to capture your screen. Set the capture source to Display instead of app so we can see your pop-ups. Also, why are you working in 32bit? You have some negative values in those dark areas, when you apply that vidid light blend mode, you push them into very high values(mathematically correct) but will not look as expected on screen. 

I just use the gaming recorder in windows 10. Seems to only let me record one app/window. Hoping for no new dramas to record!

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