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My girlfriend spent hours making this logo on the iPad version of Designer:


But we're struggling with the final product. 

I want the GREY part to be transparent, 
and then the black part to just be a single shape.

I need a fully-transparent SVG without rasterization 
again, only the black part (no grey should remain). 

It would be like if i applied the ERASE blend mode to Layer1...
except without rasterization or white bg on the final SVG product.
No white, no grey, only black & transparency.

I can't figure out the right combination of masking or subtracting or buzzword#3

I have attached our afdesign file

Please help 


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2 minutes ago, prophet said:

Grab everything and Layer > Geometry > Subtract

Unfortunately it was not this simple...
probably because of "bad practice" on nested items within Layer1

When I do this it clips away undesired areas.

I apologize for setting this up with a weird file.
Again, the creator had no prior experience with vector design, so the result is a miracle in itself. 

If only we could finish the job correctly

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Oh my. I hadn't downloaded the file to have a look. An interesting approach.

Essentially, all the little black bits on top of the grey circle need to be expanded and "knocked out of" (subtracted from) the grey. Layer > Expand Stroke will be your friend here. Then the resulting grey shape needs to be subtracted from the black circle.

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53 minutes ago, prophet said:

Oh my. I hadn't downloaded the file to have a look. An interesting approach.

Essentially, all the little black bits on top of the grey circle need to be expanded and "knocked out of" (subtracted from) the grey. Layer > Expand Stroke will be your friend here. Then the resulting grey shape needs to be subtracted from the black circle.


26 minutes ago, prophet said:

I'm a big fan of learn by doing, so you should absolutely take the time to fix the file yourself, but I'm a sucker for helping new designers, so here…

p.s. for this type of vector work, blend modes won't help get you where you want to be. They are more useful for visual effects, not for finished line work.

56KFM.afdesign 34.77 kB · 0 downloads


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