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Affinity Photo for macOS - 1.9.3

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We are pleased to announce an update for the MacOS release of Affinity Photo, version 1.9.3

The detailed changes in Affinity Photo for MacOS 1.9.3 over the release build Affinity Photo for macOS 1.9.2 are as follows:

Fixes & Improvements:

  • Resource Manager - memory leak fixed
  • Fixed a performance regression
  • Memory leak fixes in the Layer panel
  • Help and Localisation improvements

The new features in 1.9 are listed in some detail in this 1.9.0 Photo macOS update announcement 


UPDATING TO THIS VERSION (Free for existing customers)

The software version can be seen on the splash screen and the About dialog (in application menu, Affinity Photo > About).

If you’ve purchased from the Mac App Store— updates are done automatically next time you run your software after it is available in the Mac App Store. If this does not happen for you, open the Mac App Store app and go to the Updates page and then Store > Reload page or press CMD+R. This should hopefully force the update to show. Apple sometimes phase roll outs around the world which can mean it may take up to 72 hours for your update to be available.

If you’ve purchased from the Affinity Store— each time you start the software it will check for updates and offer to download and install any available update, or in the application main menu there is an option Check for Updates. You can download the latest installer by logging into the affinity store here and find the order in your account and use the "download" button in there. Alternatively, this new release (and previous versions of Affinity Photo for macOS) can be downloaded from this link (that installer is NOT for Mac app store purchases and needs a product key).

Patrick Connor
Serif Europe Ltd

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility lies in being superior to your previous self."  W. L. Sheldon


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  • 2 months later...

Hi Affinity support team.

A simply question, about a situation is going on for many many months.
I use both Windows and Macs

Why, especially on Mac, Affinity Designer, Photo and Publisher takes SO LONG, SO LONG to start?
On my MacBook Pro 16 top specs it takes 22/25 seconds to execute the first run of your software?
25 seconds...absurd time!
And this happens if I'm or I'm not connected to Internet.
The internet connection doesn't affect the load time.

On windows is much much quicker.

Why on Mac is to TERRIBLY SLOW?

it's absurd.

Please let me know if there's a way to speed up the run process of your apps on my Mac.



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  • Staff
13 minutes ago, mkdm said:

Please let me know if there's a way to speed up the run process of your apps on my Mac.

There is a sort of work around by copying the install, but it only works temporarily. There is more info on this topic in this thread .The cause is a change in Big Sur security along with a build setting we need in our software. We are working with Apple to see if they will whitelist our application, but currently have no solution

Patrick Connor
Serif Europe Ltd

"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man. True nobility lies in being superior to your previous self."  W. L. Sheldon


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3 hours ago, Patrick Connor said:

There is a sort of work around by copying the install, but it only works temporarily. There is more info on this topic in this thread .The cause is a change in Big Sur security along with a build setting we need in our software. We are working with Apple to see if they will whitelist our application, but currently have no solution

Ok. Thanks for the info.
I really hope that you will fix this very annoying issue as soon as possible because it's very weird.


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