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I'm trying to make the switch from Adobe to Affinity. I have this issue that it only seems to show on my Wacom Cintiq 16. Every time my brush hovers over my strokes they drop resolution/quality. I'd love to draw in Affinity photo, but I can't get around the low resolution lines. Any help? is this a known bug? what should I do?

Page size is Default A4 size, 300 DPI.
Affinity Designer "pixel persona" doesn't drop brush stroke resolution. (Which uses pixels as well)
Wacom cintiq 16 drivers are up to date.

i7-10700k 3.80GHZ
16gb Ram
2070 super RTX
Windows 10

I've attached an example video below
Affinity Photo - Brush Strokes dropping quality. - YouTube
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  • 5 months later...
  • Staff

Hi @WolvesSorry for the delay.

To be honest when reviewing the video I'm struggling to see any difference, especially with black being used. It's not something I seem to be able to reproduce on any of my Windows systems. I've attached my own screen recording using a Wacom Intuos, but again the issue isn't visible with that or a mouse.

Have you tried changing any of the options on the Performance section of the Preferences, such as the Renderer to WARP. As it won't use your graphics driver to render.

Have you since updated to the latest version 1.10?

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