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I am on a trial version at the moment. We use MS Publisher to layout information booklets. Our booklets are designed to be one half of a letter sized page (8.5x5.5" folded to 4.25x5.5" booklet). Publisher automatically prints 2 up per page. I have been playing with Affinity Publisher and can only get one booklet to print per page, wasting half a sheet of paper each time. It is not reasonable to design the books larger as they are very small some are only 4 pages the minimum size a booklet can be. The size is also more ideal for mailing as two booklets are only one sheet of paper normally. This is definitely a deciding factor on the software. The software seems as easy to use as Publisher, which is great for our users; but the two up print is crucial.

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  • 5 months later...

Hi @ronc,

Welcome to the Affinity Forums :)

Our sincerest apologies for the delayed responses here, we're working to clear a backlog of tickets that occurred during the release of 1.9.2 & 1.9.3 whilst working from home, so many thanks for your patience and understanding.

On 4/4/2021 at 12:21 AM, ronc said:

Our booklets are designed to be one half of a letter sized page (8.5x5.5" folded to 4.25x5.5" booklet). Publisher automatically prints 2 up per page. I have been playing with Affinity Publisher and can only get one booklet to print per page, wasting half a sheet of paper each time.

I'm unsure if you converted the trial version to a licensed version of Publisher, but from my testing this is certainly possible. I created a new document, 4 pages long with a page size of 4.25" x 5.5" & facing pages enabled.

Now in the Print dialog, I N-Up from the Model dropdown menu, and set this to print 2 across. This will now print on 2 pages of Letter sized paper.

I hope this clears things up!

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Dan:

I do not have the registered version and am unwilling to fork out until I know the product will do what I need. The above described projects are the only publisher type projects I do.

See attached to visualize what I am doing. The first is the publisher layout screen. The second is print preview on Microsoft publisher and that is how the finished product comes out.

In Affinity if select book or booklet for Model drop down it will print in the correct order; but only one copy across the center of the page. Using the above instructions I still only get one copy; but it is printed to the top of the page and the pages are not in order for folding.




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