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Frame text tool, frame has white background for no reason

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when using the frame text tool, somehow the frame has a white background that can't seem to be removable unless you vectorize the text frame and separately delete the white part. Before the background was automatically transparent.

Affinity designer - Windows


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Hi Robin,

It shouldn't be possible to set the actual text frame's colour from within Designer, however it can be done in Publisher. This means that if you've opened a Publisher document or pasted from Publisher into Designer than you may have pasted an object with a text frame background.

If you then subsequently use Edit > Defaults > Save with that object selected, it will cause any new object to be created with that text frame background. It sounds like this is what you may have done. 
To reset the defaults just go to Edit > Defaults > Factory Reset, and that will reset the selected object any any newly created text frames. You will then need to also do Edit > Defaults > Save to ensure this doesn't affect any more newly created documents.

If you have existing objects with this background, you can create an object without the white background and copy it, then use Edit > Paste Style on the objects you want to remove the background from, and then recorrect any other attributes that may have changed.

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