MikeTO Posted March 21, 2021 Share Posted March 21, 2021 Could you please update the hyphenation help page to avoid confusion for new users? These three hyphenation control features are powerful but perhaps they could be explained a bit better. Minimum Score—the amount of extra space at the end of each line that is considered acceptable. If the amount of extra space exceeds this value, then auto-hyphenation will try to split words to reduce the excess. Try incrementing values upwards from 1 to experiment. Paragraph end zone—defines the amount of space allowed at the end of a paragraph before hyphenation begins. Column end zone—defines the amount of space allowed at the end of a column before hyphenation begins. I recommend something like this: Minimum Score—impacts the amount of extra space at the end of each line that is considered acceptable. The score value must be from 0 to 10 in whole numbers where 0 has no impact and 10 will aggressively try to split words to reduce excess space at the end of each line. Values of 1 to 5 are considered typical. If the amount of extra space exceeds this value, then auto-hyphenation will try to split words to reduce the excess. Try incrementing values upwards from 1 to experiment. Paragraph end zone—defines the amount of space allowed at the end of a paragraph before hyphenation begins. To avoid hyphenating the last word in a paragraph, enter a value such as 1 in or 25 mm. Column end zone—defines the amount of space allowed at the end of a column before hyphenation begins. To avoid hyphenating the last word in a column, enter a value such as 1 in or 25 mm. Thanks! Quote Download a free PDF manual for Affinity Publisher 2.5 Download a quick reference chart for Affinity's Special Characters Affinity 2.5 for macOS Sequoia 15.0, MacBook Pro 14" (M1 Pro) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MikeTO Posted November 5, 2023 Author Share Posted November 5, 2023 I want to update this for those who stumble across it. Although the help page has been updated, it still doesn't mention the range of acceptable values for the "minimum score" feature or provide guidance on which numbers you should use. Most of what I wrote above was correct - you need to enter a whole number from 0-10 and the advice to use 1-5 was okay. But I accidentally wrote that 10 was aggressive and 0 was no impact when it is really the reverse. I'm explaining this in the manual I'm writing, but to clarify it here for posterity: 0 will hyphenate at any hyphenation point 1-9 will hyphenate but the higher the number the fewer break points will be considered because hyphenation points are ranked in terms of preference 10 will never hyphenate That's the theory. In reality, you won't see much hyphenation with a score of 6 or above which is why I previously suggested 0 to 5. For US English, I now recommend leaving this on 0 and forgetting the option even exists. If you want less hyphenation, you won't see much difference with 1 so change it to 2 or 3. But if you go much higher you will be effectively disabling hyphenation. Here are some of the US English words I tested and the break points for different minimum scores. 0-3 hy-phen-ation 4-5 hyphen-ation 6-10 hyphenation 0-1 hos-pi-tal-iza-tion 2-3 hospital-ization 4-10 hospitalization 0-1 ob-jec-tion-able 2-10 objectionable 0-1 night-mar-ish 2-3 nightmar-ish 4-10 nightmarish 0-1 de-cid-edly 2-10 decidedly 0-1 ad-van-tages 2-10 advantages 0-3 com-pres-sion 4-5 compres-sion 6-10 compression 0-1 al-go-rithm 2-3 algo-rithm 4-10 algorithm 0-1 au-to-mate 2-5 auto-mate 6-10 automate 0-1 in-hibit-ing 2-10 inhibiting 0-1 in-ter-me-di-ate 2-3 inter-me-di-ate 4-10 inter-mediate 0-1 re-dun-dancy 2-5 redun-dancy 6-10 redundancy 0-1 im-ple-mented 2-3 imple-mented 4-10 implemented 0-1 prob-a-bil-i-ties 2-3 prob-a-bilities 4-10 probabilities 0-1 dic-tio-nary 2-5 dictio-nary 6-10 dictionary 0-3 fur-ther-more 4-10 furthermore 0-1 stu-pen-dous 2-10 stupendous 0-5 al-low-able 6-10 allowable Quote Download a free PDF manual for Affinity Publisher 2.5 Download a quick reference chart for Affinity's Special Characters Affinity 2.5 for macOS Sequoia 15.0, MacBook Pro 14" (M1 Pro) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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