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Suddenly having some freezing issues on iMac, Big Sur (I have to force quit often). I am not sure it's actually Affinity as I am having some problems with Finder/indexing which led to me reinstalling the OS then recovering everything from a backup. 

So, I am not getting any crash reports but I do have some Diagnostic Reports. Would that help someone at Affinity with my problem. Other suggestions?




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I had some other issues so I thought I'd reinstalled the OS and brought in manually my files. I reinstalled Affinity Designer, Photo, and Publisher.

Designer opens and is usable but will not close. (I have to force quit). At t his point it is not usable so....I might have to use something else until I get a reply for Serif or is gets resolved on it's own.

Anyone else having this issue?

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Hi @befehr,

Sorry for the delay in replying to your post.

Are you still having these issues with Affinity?  I've been using Big Sur since release and don't have the issues you've mentioned.  But if you can attach any reports you have, that will help.

On 5/5/2021 at 4:23 AM, amoura said:

having the same issue here !!! so frustrating 

Are you also running Big Sur?

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As stated in my original post I am running Big Sur.

Yes, I am still having some instability issues, thought not as bad as before. The AD is also running a bit slower than expected, though I know this is a bit subjective.

I no longer have report to offer as I assumed that I would not get a response so they were deleted. If anything new pops up I will submit them.

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