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[KNOWN ISSUE] Why are Affinity apps crashing with Hardware Acceleration enabled when using an Intel Graphics Card?

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Our developers have identified an issue where our apps can crash on startup when OpenCL Hardware Acceleration is Enabled and you're using an Intel Graphics Card. This issue is related to having traces of an old driver installed alongside a newer driver. Intel have suggested that users remove all traces of Intel Graphics Card drivers using Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU) and then reinstall the latest drivers using the Intel Driver & Support Assistant tool. For more information on how to use the Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU) tool, please read their tutorial but please use this tool at your own risk.

Alternatively, you can turn off  OpenCL Hardware Acceleration by following the steps described in [FAQ] How can I disable OpenCL compute acceleration on Windows? or can you use @v_kyr's Affinity OpenCL Disabler tool from here.

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