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best way to get crisp text on small images?

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I’m making a variety of small images for the web (320x50px for instance) and am struggling to figure out the best way to get crisp text at those sizes. I’m using Designer on the iPad to create them, but they need to be delivered as png or jpg. Obviously everything is fine as vector inside of Designer, but what is the best way to export those designs to keep them from getting too pixelated? I’m sure they’ll lose some crispness no matter what I do, but I’m hoping to keep the quality as high as I can. I do also have Photo if that’s helpful.

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Play with the export settings under Resample.

As you say, at that size, you're basically choosing the least pixellated image out of a set of pixellated images.

Also, be sure not to make judgements based on a zoomed-in image. Best way is to view it in a browser at the size it will be seen.

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Words are crude implements, difficult to get perfect, easy to get tied in knots with, and often - usually - misunderstood, which is why 'tolarence' is the best word of all.

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