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iPad designer: multi artboard limits?

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I have a document with 12 artboards...very little on them. 9.6mb total file size. I just spent the past 20 minutes watching this iPad pro struggle to show brush strokes that I made several minutes earlier, saw nothing, tried to undo, saw nothing, closed, re-opened, then saw the iPad drawing the strokes Id either made or erased. Positively trippy.

have I exceeded the iPad’s or affinity’s ability to handle this size document?

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  • 3 months later...

Apologies for the delayed response here @VectorCat, we had an influx of tickets during the 50% sale and we're working through the backlog now - so many thanks for your patience and understanding here.

I understand this is now a few months old, but by chance do you still have a copy of this file so that I can test it? I'd also like to try it in the latest beta version, to see if this improves performance. Thanks in advance :)

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