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[DAM] Affinity Lightroom Killer Request

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Hi there.

Just downloaded Photo Beta for Windows for trialling, and am very impressed so far. As a long term user of Serif software (back as far as Pageplus 1.2) I'm really keen to stay with Serif. The suggestions on the forum that there might also be a DAM at some point have got me unreasonably excited - I'm using Corel Aftershot Pro to develop my RAW files and catalogue / keyword my photo's at present, but I would happily defect to Serif if you could come up with something similar, but without Corel's annoying habit of deserting their existing users whenever they acquire something new.

Here's hoping for more news soon?



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

We are going to make a professional Affinity DAM application - stay tuned in 2016 for more information ;)






I've stayed tuned for a while, but realistically you have about a week left :).


Anyone tried this Pixa thing?  http://www.pixa-app.com. I've grabbed the trial, but am travelling right now so no chance to use it yet..

Regards, Binc


Warning: dark, twisted sense of humour.  Do not feed after midnight.

Wheat and BS intolerant.  Only use genuine Guinness to lubricate.

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I think you would be better served by Photos in the meantime.


Yes, I wasn't impressed much by it.  Which means we still don't have something decent :(

Regards, Binc


Warning: dark, twisted sense of humour.  Do not feed after midnight.

Wheat and BS intolerant.  Only use genuine Guinness to lubricate.

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  • 1 month later...

If you need a DAM now you need something else than Affinity DAM. Next year this may be different.

(Damn thing about DAMs is that they are difficult to change; after you have your content in one it is hard to export/import to other. Possibly there will be filter to handle migration better in the future.)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, I wouldn't want to affect a Royal "we", but when it comes to a DAM I must actually agree, there is definitely a "need", also known as a ready market.


There isn't really anything sensible out there that allows you to tag images, manage copyrights (let's not forget that), sort on all sorts of parameters including whatever available EXIF data and even dimensions etc etc etc.  The only other option I see here is some Open Source project which could incorporate things like Graphics/ImageMagick and exiftool for image handling, but I lack the bandwidth to get that organised and keep it from getting mired in pointless politics.


Given past performance of the Affinity team which I enjoy daily with Affinity Designer and Affinity Photo* there is a high degree of confidence that whatever they dream up will be good and innovative too, and they have access to plenty of people here who would love to help with requirements gathering and alpha/beta testing (sticks up hand).  That's probably their only problem: they set the bar pretty high for themselves with AD and AP  :P - my confidence in them delivering something good is only exceeded by my impatience to see it appear  :rolleyes: ..


* They should really come up with some joint license - it's worth having both

Regards, Binc


Warning: dark, twisted sense of humour.  Do not feed after midnight.

Wheat and BS intolerant.  Only use genuine Guinness to lubricate.

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There isn't really anything sensible out there that allows you to tag images, manage copyrights (let's not forget that), sort on all sorts of parameters including whatever available EXIF data and even dimensions etc etc etc. 


Well, of course Aperture easily answers these requirements.  Apart from plenty of tagging tools, you can setup basic and expanded view parameters for list view, grid view and the viewer window and toggle between them with a key press.  Sorting is a simple as clicking the column header and smart albums can use all this stuff.  You can even add custom fields to your hearts content as well.


Here's what you can choose from

Grumpy, but faithful (watch out all you cats)

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OK, "anything sensible" that is still actively maintained and improved ;) : even Lightroom isn't that good, and I intensely dislike cloudy apps.


That said, I would welcome a platform that allows catalogues of external data to be incorporated, I have some data kept in a cloud platform (typically aged material) because there's only so much room on a local harddisk - it would be good if you can either add separate directories and drives (in which case I could just mount the external resource as a directory with tools such as "Mountain Duck") or web resources such as webdav or SFTP/SSH servers.  You don't need that mounted if you only access the indexes and thumbnails or, alternatively, you could store the indexes of such drives on the same location so you could switch resources on and off (as it would be rather pointless to want access to an image if you're out of reach).


Last but not least, I want to be able to switch OFF facial recognition.  It's all very nice if it's a personal collection, but as soon as it concerns a professional photographer such data soon becomes a potential Data Protection violation risk that is worth avoiding.  The incoming GDPR has teeth in the form of substantial fines..

Regards, Binc


Warning: dark, twisted sense of humour.  Do not feed after midnight.

Wheat and BS intolerant.  Only use genuine Guinness to lubricate.

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That said, I would welcome a platform that allows catalogues of external data to be incorporated,




Once again Aperture has this covered.


You can choose to have files either 'managed' in the library, or 'referenced' somewhere else, e.g. a networked drive.  The really cool bit is that it is really easy, using Aperture, to *move* files around.  For example, using Aperture, you can move them from one drive to another, or if you want, you can change them to 'managed' so that they reside inside Aperture, which is handy if you need some files when you are away from your studio/workstation.  Upon return, you can just as easily move them back to where they were.  Aperture recognises instantly when a drive with referenced files becomes available and I would expect it to work with Mountain Duck. 


Apple really got Aperture right ... what they got wrong, was dumping it, but on a positive note, they provided what is hopefully great inspiration for Serif to make as good a DAM.

Grumpy, but faithful (watch out all you cats)

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Apple really got Aperture right ... what they got wrong, was dumping it.


Well, that's the major problem, isn't it?  Hence the repeated prods at Affinity  :D

Regards, Binc


Warning: dark, twisted sense of humour.  Do not feed after midnight.

Wheat and BS intolerant.  Only use genuine Guinness to lubricate.

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I 'need' it, because Lr isn't what I want and Aperture is slowly being left behind.  CaptureOne doesn't have full raw support.


(What I really need, is for Serif to re-create Aperture).

Curious, what RAW support is C1 missing?

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Apple really got Aperture right ... what they got wrong, was dumping it, but on a positive note, they provided what is hopefully great inspiration for Serif to make as good a DAM.



I suggested they get a DAM out the door a couple years ago. Their focus has instead been in other areas such as a Windows port, iPad port, etc. So, there is no chance a DAM is anywhere in sight.


There maybe a silver lining in 2017. I saw something on the Macphun web site last week. They do say repeatedly on their blog that they intend to release a DAM feature in Luminar in 2017. From my quick look at Luminar, it appears they have been learning what made Aperture such a great success. Cross your fingers but there does appear to be an Aperture replacement on the horizon.

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