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Tables not allowing vertical alignment - only staying as align to the top


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You may be running afoul of baseline grid alignment, which can override cell vertical alignment.  Confusingly, the document pages, text frames, and tables can all have their own baseline grids.  Try turning on "Show baseline grid" and see if your table contents are snapping to the grid(s).  If so, you can go into the Studio Table panel and set "Ignore baseline grid".

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Thanks for the suggestion - I did find a "workaround" thanks to you - but not because of baseline grid. 

The vertical alignment dropdown on the toolbar is not working, however when I opened the Studio Table, I am able to select vertical alignment in there and it's working.

Selecting any alignment in the toolbar dropdown does nothing.

Thanks again!

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I have an even more bizarre issue with this.

In my table no matter what vertical align option I use each row alternates so that row 1 is aligned to the bottom and the next row to the top. This continues all the way through.

Clicking the baseline grid options mixes things up but there still isn't consistency through the table.

This is all the more frustrating given that seemingly there's no feature for alternating fills!

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1 hour ago, sambader said:

In my table no matter what vertical align option I use each row alternates so that row 1 is aligned to the bottom and the next row to the top. This continues all the way through.

Can you upload an .afpub with an affected table?

To me it appears to work without this issue, I am able to apply one specific justification for all selected cells (rows & columns).
In v.1.9.1 in need to use the Table Panel / in beta v.1006 it works via toolbar, too.


macOS 10.14.6 | MacBookPro Retina 15" | Eizo 27" | Affinity V1

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Adding further to this - table formats seem broken too. Previously I was able to select the entire empty table immediately after creating it and change fonts/formatting and text size, but now it only works on filled-in cells.

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10 hours ago, AVC said:

Adding further to this - table formats seem broken too. Previously I was able to select the entire empty table immediately after creating it and change fonts/formatting and text size, but now it only works on filled-in cells.

It works to me in v191: select the virgin, empty table with the move tool (arrow cursor) + apply a different font size.


macOS 10.14.6 | MacBookPro Retina 15" | Eizo 27" | Affinity V1

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