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Hello all — new user here, just in from Quarkland.

In Publisher, I want every picture frame to have a ‘runaround’ of 5 mm. So I draw a frame, call the Text Wrap dialog, set it to Square and 5 mm. Next, from the Edit menu, I select Defaults>Synchronize from selection, and Defaults>Save. I expected my next picture frame to use these values and the text to wrap, but it doesn’t work like that — I have to call the Text Wrap dialog again for each new picture.

What am I missing?

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33 minutes ago, Maan said:

What am I missing?

Nothing I would say. I can confirm this too. As "Distance From Text" is memorized, the "Wrap Style" and "Wrap To" should be memorized too, I would call it a bug. You should post your finding in the bug section or this thread should be moved.

As a workaround you can save your text wrap setting as a Style or an Asset.

Windows 10 | i5-8500 CPU | Intel UHD 630 Graphics | 32 GB RAM | Latest Retail and Beta versions of complete Affinity range installed

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