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File format for .afphoto files?

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Hope someone can help.

I'm a developer and writing some code to read .afphoto files. Can anyone direct me to the specification for the .afphoto file format? I only need to access the image composite as it would appear if you opened it up in AP (i.e. not bothered about individual layers etc, just the composite of all visible layers and also canvas width and height etc).


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14 hours ago, Fixx said:

You are not going to get that information. Maybe you could access and use preview image which OS displays? 

Thanks Fixx. Yeah, I guessed as much. I would have needed a pixel accurate, not scaled-down, version of the composite image; so the preview idea probably wouldn't work for me.

Turns out I don't need to access it in the end; I can have AP just save as .PSD format, which is fine for my needs.

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